4 min read

A Kid-Friendly Look at Overthinking

A Kid-Friendly Look at Overthinking
Ruminating is for cows

Cows bring their food up a second time and re-chew it. We humans tend to do the same thing, only it's our thoughts we keep chewing on.

Not long ago, I was chewing a piece of tasteless old gum. It didn't begin that way of course - it was fruity and juicy at the start. I found myself wondering why I was still mawing the old thing. It didn't have any flavor left and it was making my jaw ache. I'd been chewing that ratty chicle for a while. But it took a moment of awareness to realize I still had this rubbish flying around my mouth like a rag in a washing machine.

So I spit it out. I just made the choice to be done with it. Imagine that? What if we could do the same thing with those naggy thoughts that we keep jawing on for minutes, hours, weeks, years?

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