5 min read

Inner-Outer Travel Guide (Balance⚖️Temperament Edition)

Inner-Outer Travel Guide  (Balance⚖️Temperament Edition)
Image | MAK

This time, we're visiting Joshua Tree & the Nevada Desert (plus homeostasis & temperament).

Inner-Outer Guides pair travel around the mind & body with a road trip. Each "stop" is a concrete connecting point to an abstract concept. That helps us learn & remember.

Welcome to your travel guide, with visits to the Nervous System, California and Nevada! Let's get started.

If you have 2 minutes

The Nervous System Tour: Homeostasis

Let's start out by exploring homeostasis, the natural balance our body must be in to function well (and survive).

Most of us know what it feels like to be be out of balance. Maybe we're under-slept, too hungry, or overworked.

But on a deeper level, our body is working nonstop to keep us in balance. That means our temperature stays around 98.6 degrees, our blood sugar is regulated, and our stress hormones are in check.

When our body goes into fight-or-flight, we get out of balance. That's okay if it's temporary, but not-so-good if it goes on a while.

First stop: The Mystery Spot in Santa Cruz, California.

You might have been to a place like the Mystery Spot before. When I was a kid, it was the Wacky Shack at Astroworld in Houston.

The Mystery Spot, established in 1941.

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