Hi, I'm Jen!

I'm a behavioral health educator and your guide In the Seeds. ITS offers parents actionable ways to help guide kids as they navigate personal growth. Helpful, actionable skills increase our sense of agency (that "I got this" feeling) so that we can respond to difficulty with confidence, capability, and more control. These are qualities that power our mental wellbeing.

I was a stressed kid who grew up in a stressed house. I didn't know I could manage my thoughts, feelings, or my nervous system. Once I realized that there are skills + strategies that put me "in charge" of myself, I wondered: "How can we share these 'inner resources' with kids before they spend years feeling helpless?" I've explored this question of agency my whole life in a variety of roles including classroom teacher, grad student, behavioral health educator, program developer, and parent.

Being In the Seeds means we can take action in what we seed, what we weed, and what we let take root. We can be growers, together.

💛 Jen