2 min read

A Flexible Approach to Get Teens Outside

A Flexible Approach to Get Teens Outside
Collage | Jen Krueger

Here's how to encourage your child or teen to connect with nature: Be okay with the earbuds going too. It's time outdoors - and that's what matters.

You might want your kid to get off their phone and go outside. You might want them to look up from gaming and notice that it's a beautiful day.

They probably don't see anything wrong with hanging out inside watching videos (for hours).

If you invite them to come outdoors with their phone, and if they don't feel judgement around that invitation - they may take you up on it.

This strategy falls under the coping skill of Radical Acceptance:

Radical acceptance is letting go of efforts to control, and instead just noticing and accepting things as they are right now, without judging. Marsha Linehan

When our child senses that we're not trying to control the situation (or them), that we're not judging, teaching, or preaching - they might feel open to shifting their behavior.

By inviting your kid outside, even with a screen in hand, you're sparking all these moments with the outdoors:

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