3 min read

Drawing Boundaries with "Doomrollers"

Drawing Boundaries with "Doomrollers"

You don't have to get steamrolled by someone else's need to share bad news...

I had an early call today from someone who felt compelled to share the morning's most unpleasant headlines.

"I'm sure you've been following that story about the escaped convict. No one knows where he is. It's so terrible. He could be in someone's basement right now. Have you checked your basement?"

"Did you hear about that library with black mold? They had to throw all the books out. All of them. Even the children's books. Isn't that sad? Black mold is actually a fungus. Imagine all those children's books covered in fungus. Just awful..."

"I just heard this morning that coffee beans are going to be 200 times more expensive by December. Happy holidays, am I right?"

They needed to vent and I listened, but I hung up just feeling "Ugh." Super "Ugh."

I keep up with the news. I'm not hiding under a rock. But I'm no fan of being doomrolled, especially before 8:15 am.

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