4 min read

Our Brains Can D.J. Empowering "Playlists"

Our Brains Can D.J. Empowering "Playlists"

Unhelpful thoughts often spin (on repeat) in the background of our lives: "I'm not enough." "Things will never get better." "I'm not a good sleeper." Guess what: we can change them.

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"If you listen to any thought long enough, it becomes a part of your personal playlist," says Jon Acuff, author of Soundtracks.

Acuff is talking about overthinking - that uniquely human pastime of over-focusing on everything that went wrong or could go wrong. This also shows up as listing all the ways you aren't enough or all the bad things people think about you.

Of course, most of the time 99.04% of this stuff isn't true, and the remaining bit is usually wildly overblown by your most excellent imagination.

Overthinking has its origin in evolutionary biology. We overthink in an effort to plan for what appears to be a threat.

Certain thoughts circle on repeat, becoming "soundtracks" playing in the background of our lives.

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