About In the Seeds

In the Weeds Seeds

In the Seeds transforms science-backed practices that improve mental wellbeing into creative activities and strategies for youth. These "seeds" of agency can help kids manage challenge with confidence (backed up by skills and strategies!).

We teach kids to wash their hands, brush their teeth, and eat their greens. But the most vital strategy for good health? How to respond to stress and challenge in ways that increase feelings of confidence, capability, and control.

Made Especially for Kids & Teens

Personal growth strategies aimed at mental wellbeing are often presented in adult language and with abstract concepts, even when they're meant for young learners. Here In the Seeds, learning is crafted to be practical, engaging, relevant, and empowering for kids & teens. (Which helps us adults learn too✨!)

A Seed Snapshot

Agency skills are portable & transformational. Kids can move from stress and anxiety to capability and confidence. Once learned, these skills stay with them, providing practical support and lifelong wisdom.

I'm handpicking seeds of growth that you can share. Every month, I spend countless hours reading, distilling, and artfully transforming complex content into "sticky learning" (meaningful, actionable, impactful).

You don't need to "Do All the Things!" Just grab a seed, help your child tend it, and welcome growth.

You don't need to go it alone. We can grow together (and have some fun along the way 😉).


Want to know more? Check out Start Here

ITS offers actionable ways adults can help kids grow confident and capable. Cost-free. Ad-free. Play-full.
Information on this site is not intended as therapy. For clinical support, please contact a licensed mental health provider.